Description: KU Leuven is a research-intensive and internationally-oriented university that performs both fundamental and applied scientific research. KU Leuven was founded in 1425 and now is one of Europe’s oldest universities.
Within the NEWBORN project, KU Leuven is represented by its Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics (LMSD) research group. LMSD aims at creating added value during every phase (design – manufacturing – operations) in the lifetime of mecha(tro)nic systems by understanding, monitoring and controlling their dynamic (motion-vibration-acoustics) behaviour. To this end, the research conducted at LMSD spans a broad spectrum from methodologies, over theoretical foundations, to various application domains.
The KU Leuven Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics research group strives for international leadership in engineering dynamics through excellent research, education and services; building upon an expertise of five decades and with the Digital Twin concept playing a central role in its roadmap. Dynamic behaviour models, validated and enriched with dynamic measurement data, allow for a continuously updated virtual replica of a structure or system.
Role in the project:
Within NEWBORN, KU Leuven LMSD focuses on measurements and analysis of noise emissions and vibration immunity. LMSD will also perform vibration immunity testing of the critical components.
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